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MIRO > Miroir Homme, Etchings

MIRO : Miroir homme, etchings
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Book illustrated with three etchings and aquatints printed in colours and with two carborundum etchings, text from André Frénaud, 1972, from a total edition at 200 copies. Book signed on colophon by the poet and the painter.
Printer and publisher : Maeght
Size of the book : 44 X 32.5 cm
Very good condition.
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One work, one book

Jacques Lassaigne wrote this biographical and critical study, published by Skira editions in 1963 in the collection "Le goût de notre temps". Around fifty works are here reproduced since the first figurative works of 1917 to the paintings of the Sixties. In appendix of the catalogue various documents of the greatest interest are proposed : first, the foreword of the Miro exhibition et the Licorne Gallery in 1921, written by Maurice Raynal ; then a very beautiful text written by Miro for review XX siècle in 1938 "I dream of a large workshop" where the artist tells his life between 1919, date of its arrival in Paris and 1938 ; finally an interview of Miro by George Duthuit, published for the first time in the Cahiers d'Art in 1936 where the artist speaks in particular about his love for Gaudi.
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