TAPIES > Hommage A Picasso

This print is sold

Original lithograph in colours, 1973, very nice proof printed on Arches paper signed and numbered from a total edition at 165 copies. This lithograph was included in a portfolio comprising others prints for Picasso.
Printer : Maeght, Paris
Publisher : Propylaen, Berlin
Size of the paper and the lithograph : 70,5 X 60 cm
References catalogue Galfetti "The prints of Tapiès" n° 373
Very good condition. Other prints available by TAPIES
Printer : Maeght, Paris
Publisher : Propylaen, Berlin
Size of the paper and the lithograph : 70,5 X 60 cm
References catalogue Galfetti "The prints of Tapiès" n° 373
Very good condition. Other prints available by TAPIES