TAPIES > Matiere Et Journal, Etching

This print is sold

Original etching and aquatint in colours with embossing printed on a newspaper background, 1972. Very nice proof on a Chiffon de Mandeure paper, signed from an edition at 75 copies.
Size of paper : 90 X 65 cm
Size of the print : 75 X 53 cm
Printer and publisher : Maeght (Arte), Paris.
References catalogue Galfetti "The prints of Tapiès" n° 325.
Very good condition.
One of the most important print of Tapiès. Other prints available by TAPIES
Size of paper : 90 X 65 cm
Size of the print : 75 X 53 cm
Printer and publisher : Maeght (Arte), Paris.
References catalogue Galfetti "The prints of Tapiès" n° 325.
Very good condition.
One of the most important print of Tapiès. Other prints available by TAPIES