ALECHINSKY > Alechinsky Double Vue
Oeuvres associées
Estampe Vendue

Linogravure et lithographie originales, 1970, très belle épreuve imprimée sur papier Arches, signée, datée, titré et numérotée d'un tirage à 80 exemplaires. (le motif central de la composition est une linogravure, l'encadrement est en lithographie).
Dimensions de l'oeuvre : 65 X 49 cm.
Très bon état. Autres estampes de ALECHINSKY
Dimensions de l'oeuvre : 65 X 49 cm.
Très bon état. Autres estampes de ALECHINSKY
ALECHINSKY : alechinsky-espionne
Estampe Vendue
Original linocut and lithograph, 1970, very nice proof printed on Arches paper, signed, dated, titled and numbered from an edition at 80 copies.(the center of the print is in linocut, the rest of the composition is in lithograph).
Size of the work : 65 X 49 cm.
very good condition.

Original linocut and lithograph, 1970, very nice proof printed on Arches paper, signed, dated, titled and numbered from an edition at 80 copies.(the center of the print is in linocut, the rest of the composition is in lithograph).
Size of the work : 65 X 49 cm.
very good condition.
ALECHINSKY : alechinsky-trilogisme
Estampe Vendue
Original etching and lithograph, 2003, very nice proof printed on Arches paper, signed, dated, titled and numbered from an edition at 80 copies.(60 + XX).
Size of the paper : 66 X 51 cm.
Size of the subject : 60 X 46 cm.
. Very good condition.

Original etching and lithograph, 2003, very nice proof printed on Arches paper, signed, dated, titled and numbered from an edition at 80 copies.(60 + XX).
Size of the paper : 66 X 51 cm.
Size of the subject : 60 X 46 cm.
. Very good condition.